North Wiltshire's Sing 4/4 Community Choir was founded by Mary New in February 2010 and is geared towards bringing members of all ages and abilities together to have fun making music while continually striving for excellence. Mary has extensive experience as an educator, piano accompanist and choral leader and has a passion for encouraging community spirit. New members are always warmly welcomed!

Sunday 2 January 2011

Sing 4/4 in 2011

This is a special message of appreciation to all participating members over the Christmas period for their enthusiastic, committed and joyful contribution to a community celebration. You can be very proud of your achievements! This young choir were seen and heard participating in 'Christmas Lights' in the High Street, 'Christmas Tree Festival' in St.Sampson's, an 'Open Rehearsal' in the United Church, supported by talented musical friends and ‘The Carollers' brass group - what a feast of sound!

Finally, on Christmas Eve, a section of the choir entertained High Street shoppers queuing for their turkeys outside the butcher's shop. There was a real sense of community Christmas spirit - well done indeed! This has enabled us to add to our choir funds and also to make a donation towards the Jenner Hall roof fund.

I would like to include a grateful message of thanks to both the Wayland Trust and the Sportsmens' Association for their generous financial support towards uniforms and advertising - we are most grateful for this as we give our services freely to the local Community and we now have a clear identity.

Our next phase of rehearsals commence at the United Church Hall on Jan 27th at 8:00pm for four consecutive weeks.

In addition, on Feb 24th, I am considering a friendly meeting to share views with all interested members. I shall call it 'The Way Ahead' (details to follow). If you are interested in forming a small working party to extend this occasion into wine/cheese at a small charge, please contact me. This occasion could also be a celebration of our first anniversary!

Graham joins me in wishing our Community Choir a happy, healthy and fulfilling year ahead, sharing music, fun and comradeship. We have been so thankful for support from you all during Graham's unexpected illness last year.

Why not come and join us? You too can sing!! Warm wishes to you all.

Mary New - Musical Director