North Wiltshire's Sing 4/4 Community Choir was founded by Mary New in February 2010 and is geared towards bringing members of all ages and abilities together to have fun making music while continually striving for excellence. Mary has extensive experience as an educator, piano accompanist and choral leader and has a passion for encouraging community spirit. New members are always warmly welcomed!

Thursday 5 August 2010

Diary dates: Sept.- Dec.

Dear Friends! I hope that whilst you are enjoying the Summer sunshine and showers,you will be pleased to receive and look forward to confirmed plans for our Community Choir.It is always a joy to prepare Christmas celebrations through music.

REVISION SESSIONS-to maintain our present repertoire;-

Sun. Sept.5th- 8.00pm-(30,Highridge Close,Purton) GENTS.only-optional.
Thurs. Sept.9th and Thurs.16th -8 00 pm-WHOLE CHOIR- St.Sampson’s


1. Nov.11th -8.00-9.45pm –United Church Hall
2. Nov. 18th “      “      “      “         “           “
3. Nov. 25th 8.00-9.45pm –St. Sampson’s Church
4. Dec. 2nd  “       “      “      “        “             “

(Plus 1 more if needed on Dec.9th –United Church Hall)


1. Dec.5th-pm   Christmas Tree Event –St. Sampson’s
2. Dec.10th  Our Christmas Concert-with friends- United Church
3. Dec.  18th –am 10.30-11.30 Cricklade –outdoor Carols-fund raising ! (tbc)

IN ADDITION-------Members wishing to support JONAH MAN JAZZ (A religious Cantata as part of a Service in St. Sampson’s) Dates are now as follows;-

Rehearsals are OCT.7th ,and 14th and NOV.4th. 7.30 pm.(St. Sampson’s) Performance is NOV.7th-ST.SAMPSON’S-10.00am

May I suggest that you print out this agenda for easy reference!
My warm wishes to everyone-we’ll soon be singing again.Mary